- Vocab from the semester; we've narrowed it down - see the link: Link to On-Level Vocab Review and dictionaries are not allowed on this part of the exam.
- Cumulative reading skills. MC only; no SARs. I'm almost done with the review for this section. Dictionaries/thesaurus allowed.
- 1 persuasive essay. Dictionaries/thesaurus/notes allowed.
The K/H exam covers:
- All vocab from the semester, units 13-24. No review, really. Study it all. Dictionaries not allowed on this part. All vocab notes and links to all the Quizlets are posted in the Vocabulary Notes section (to the right).
- Cumulative reading skills. MC only; no SARs. Dictionaries/thesaurus allowed.
- 1 persuasive essay. Dictionaries/thesaurus/notes allowed.