Tuesday, January 6, 2015

On-Level: Introduction to Kurt Vonnegut

Here's the video we watched in class on Monday/Tuesday:

The new key words that go with this piece, "Harrison Bergeron," are satire and science fiction.
There's a full-length biography of Kurt Vonnegut, called "So It Goes" - you can find that on YouTube if you're interested. (I haven't watched the whole thing, so I can't vouch for its school-appropriateness.) This author has a weird sense of humor. He has written many short stories and full-length novels.

And now for some of Mrs. Wise's personal options and connections: I have his short story collection Bagumbo Snuff Box. Reading this collection finally made me understand the beauty and simplicity of short fiction. It also helped me see why people publish collections of them. Some of the pieces are sentimental, some are strange, and more than a few feature oddball characters, but it's a fun thing to read a piece that is funny and meaningful at the same time. So often literature is either way too serious, or it's so comical that it has no real meaning. I really do hope you enjoy the piece. And if you don't, keep it to yourself. :)

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