Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Everyone: Imagery in Persuasive Writing

Today, on-level classes looked at several commercials that use imagery for persuasive purposes. This lesson is a viable one for all classes.


We specifically looked at commercials #4, 9, 19, and 28.

28 is probably my favorite.

24 is also exceptional.

More commercials:
"Epic Split" / Volvo Commercial

Seat Belt Commercial

John Lewis (2011) Commercial 
(It's a store in the UK.)

Volkswagen Beetle (2011)

Practice: Look at these commercials one by one. Watch them a few times. Watch them with sound, then without. Make a list of images that you see. Write a paragraph full of writing to show about what imagery the commercial contains. Do this with more than 1 commercial, and you'll start to see what I mean.

Notice that many of the commercials start with a hook - for example, the Honda commercial: "For those who love the inside as much as the outside..."

Notice that many of the commercials end with a Call to Action - for example, the seat belt commercial.

Please keep in mind that these commercials were not made by me, but are being used for illustrative purposes for persuasive writing. As persuasive pieces, they may include subject matter that you may not agree with - and that's okay. I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm using them only to illustrate the imagery and writing to show aspects of persuasive writing.

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