Monday, February 24, 2014

Theme Statements

Worried about the impending theme project because you haven't written a salient theme statement  yet this year? You're in good company.

Here are the "How to Write a Theme Statement" Notes.

Read the entire document - it's just one page.

For now:
  1. Read a chunk of text. Make a list of abstract words you think this part of the text is about. Abstract = not tangible. Something you can't touch. F451 isn't about firefighters and books. You can touch those things. It's about ideas, censorship and control. You can't touch those things. See the difference?
  2. Annotate the text every time you think you see a new thematic subject. Trust? Sure. Relationships? Why not. You may strike out a few times, but eventually you'll begin to see patterns in the text. Make note of how the pattern forms in the text. As we finish more of the text, it will be easier to encapsulate these ideas into coherent theme statements.

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