Friday, February 28, 2014

Mrs. Lee's kids!

Hey everyone! Please remember that the rest of the English II teachers are here to help while Mrs. Lee is out.

If you need to email me, you are welcome do so:
During school hours, you will get the fastest response from:
Outside of school hours, you will get the fastest response from:

Please remember that calendars are subject to change. Not every assignment is on these calendars. They are meant to reflect a basic outline for the grading period.

K/H kids: Here is the reading homework and vocab quiz calendar
Vocab Notes for 17/18

This six weeks, K and H classes are doing a thematic comparison project between F451 and a second novel. You may pick the second novel from this list:
  • 1984 by Orwell
  • Player Piano by Vonnegut
  • The Road by McCarthy
On-Level kids: Here is the calendar for the grading period
If you need the vocab notes, please email me. I don't have them on me right now. :o)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thematic Subjects in F451

Hey. So I was feeling fancy, so I made a Wordle out of our discussion today:

From class discussions in K/H on 2/26

Monday, February 24, 2014

Theme Statements

Worried about the impending theme project because you haven't written a salient theme statement  yet this year? You're in good company.

Here are the "How to Write a Theme Statement" Notes.

Read the entire document - it's just one page.

For now:
  1. Read a chunk of text. Make a list of abstract words you think this part of the text is about. Abstract = not tangible. Something you can't touch. F451 isn't about firefighters and books. You can touch those things. It's about ideas, censorship and control. You can't touch those things. See the difference?
  2. Annotate the text every time you think you see a new thematic subject. Trust? Sure. Relationships? Why not. You may strike out a few times, but eventually you'll begin to see patterns in the text. Make note of how the pattern forms in the text. As we finish more of the text, it will be easier to encapsulate these ideas into coherent theme statements.

On-Level: Theme and Motif Journal Assignment F451

This is the Fahrenheit 451 Motif/Theme Double-Entry Journal: Right over here!

An Ode to My Son's Diaper

You shared; I share. I loved reading your poems and your memory play projects. <3
The Neruda piece inspired this - - -
An Ode to My Son's Diaper
By Emily Wise

Zachary brought me
a homemade poo
which he compiled himself
with baby butt
and dimply thighs:
one poo.
Evidence of carrot and yam
laid without momentum,
belied by droopy eyes.
Inertia of glistening feculence
beyond novelty now,
this is your fourth one today.

Fearing judgement,
I resist the impulse to Facebook
or call in your father
to memorialize this moment
to clap along with you,
make it part of your sister's collage,
or to write poems about it.

The moral of the ode:
between work and an expanding waist,
a brown opportunity to bond
is what your mother needed today.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

K/H Calendar

Calendar of the reading schedule, vocab quizzes, and other notorious events for the fifth grading period: But don't burn it.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

K/H Memoir Collage Project

Here is the assignment we discussed 2/12: Right here
This is what I'm grading: Over here

It is important to remember that usually, I'm grading based on the depth of the inferences you make about the creative output of others. The idea with this project is to subvert that idea a little bit. Instead of being at the audience end of the rhetorical triangle, you find yourself as the speaker. What symbol, theme, etc will be the best option for you to get your point across? Think about colors, textures, and text placement as you begin to formulate your ideas.

Monday, February 10, 2014

K/H Vocab Lists

Vocab List for Units 17/18: Because even though I may not be there, I AM STILL WATCHING YOUR GRADES.
Vocab List for Units 19/20: Because in F451, the oppression doesn't come from the government. It's the people themselves who chose it.
Vocab List for Units 21/22: By the time you look at this... I should be back... or be back soon.

Quizlets for On-Level

For Unit 8: Quizlet for Unit 8
For Unit 9: Quizlet for Unit 9
For Unit 10: Quizlet for Unit 10
For Unit 11: Quizlet for Unit 11
For Unit 12: Quizlet for Unit 12

Filed under Personal - By Popular Demand: Aeris Marie

Yeah... I can't tell, either.
Allegedly, this is her face. She is facing you. Her nose is in the middle, forehead to the right, chin and lips to the left. I can kinda see a face there. 4 weeks!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014