Monday, October 28, 2019

Vocabulary Unit 5 and "How Transcendental are You?" Writing Assignment

Today, we took notes for vocabulary unit 5. Click here to see the Quizlet for Unit 5.

Here are the notes:

Today, we also started a short reflective writing assignment for the Romantic period - click here to download the "How Transcendental are You?" assignment from today. Extra copies are also available in the green crate at the back of the room. This writing assignment is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, October 28, 2019.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Speed Dating with Transcendentalist Poetry!

On block day this week, we did a "speed dating" activity with some poetry. To download a copy of today's handout, click here.

Basically, we took turns annotating the poems "A Psalm of Life" and "The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls" which are both written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. We annotated using the TPDASTT method.

If these poems confused you and you need some help understanding them, click here to see my annotations of these poems.

Today, you also received a handout to help you gather citations for your Works Cited page for our next piece of writing. Click here to download the handout. Do not throw this handout away until we are done with the essay! Keep it with you these next few weeks.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

"Self-Reliance" Annotations

Today, we read "Self-Reliance," which is a piece of nonfiction by Ralph Waldo Emerson. We did this together as a class, and click here if you would like to see my teacher annotations for this piece. This assignment is a daily grade, so please make sure you get this done if you were absent today.

If you were absent today and you need an extra copy of today's handout, please get one from the green crate by the filing cabinet at the back of the room.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Romanticism Background Notes

Today, we started Romanticism, which includes Transcendentalism and Gothic literature.

We took notes about of the book. Click here to see a scanned copy of these pages in the book.

If you were absent today, extra copies of the notes handout are in the green crate at the back of the room.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Vocabulary Unit 4 & Starting The Enlightenment

Here are the vocabulary notes from class today:
Vocabulary Unit 4 quiz is Friday, October 18, 2019.
Click here to see the Quizlet for Unit 4.

Extra copies of your student notes page for this presentation are available in the green crate at the back of the room. 

After vocabulary notes, we then took background notes for The Enlightenment:

Extra copies of your student notes page for this presentation are available in the green crate at the back of the room. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Test "Preview"

Today in class, you received a "preview" of the test on block day. I've given you a copy of all the questions that will be asked, but you won't receive the reading pieces until block day. All the pieces are thematically related to content previously covered in class. I gave you the test questions ahead of time for several reasons:

  • You can look up any unfamiliar words, or ask me for clarification about questions if you're not sure what the question is asking for.
  • You can read the questions and find out what genres will be on the test.
  • Based on your previous knowledge of these topics, you can start to formulate answers to the questions before you even read the pieces.
  • Being familiar with the questions will help you find the answers easier on test day!
Students will have 30 minutes to read, discuss, and annotate the pieces with a partner (or in a triad). After the 30 minutes are up, students will rearrange desks so that we are sitting in "test formation" and then you will be given the answer document with the questions on it. For the rest of class, you will answer the questions and complete a paragraph about the essential question.

Because this is a test, students will need to use a paper dictionary to clarify meanings of unknown words.

Periods 2 and 4 have their paragraph due tonight at 11:59pm. For all other classes, this assignment is now past due.