Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Writing to Show

One of the first big writing concepts we're covering this year (in all levels of English II) is the concept of Writing to Show, or "show, not tell." As readers, we know that descriptive language is more interesting to read. Language doesn't have to be flowery or overly complicated in order to be good. Actually, in your writings, there will be a limited amount of space/time for details and WTS. Therefore, you need to get really good at it. We need to pack as much information into a few lines as possible, and WTS is going to get you there.

Do you see that this isn't about being flowery and having too much description? It's about having particularly apt description at just the right moment in your essay. As we continue, consider how WTS might look in an expository piece vs. a narrative piece. To aid in your ponderings, I made a word-cloud thing of all of the best WTS things we talked about in class. Enjoy:

From class discussions.

OL Calendar

The on-level calendar is posted ^^^ up there.
Click "Current On-Level Calendar" and it is there.
LMK if you can't find it or have trouble opening it.

K/H Vocab 1&2

For K/H, this is our first chunk of vocabulary: Get your nerd on.
Please note that each unit only has about 12 words, so we take our vocab quizzes over two units at a time. The words are grouped by root word, which will make it easier to study.

Please note that I have posted the quiz/homework calendar. There should be a link ^^^ up there that says "Current K/H Calendar."

Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome to my English II Class!

Hello, and welcome to my class. I'm looking forward to getting to know you, and to that end, let's make sure you're checking off things on your list of things to do:

1. Do the "About Me" thing by clicking here: About Me
2. Sign up for Remind 101:

  • 2nd and 3rd period, text 940-757-0949 with the message @ewise
  • 5th period, text 940-757-0949 with the message @ewis
  • 6th and 7th period, text 940-757-0949 with the message @eng2k
3. K and H students: Buy This Voice in my Heart by Gilbert Tuhabonye ASAP - You absolutely need it by Sept 10.

That's all for now. See y'all tomorrow.